
It doesn’t matter how old you get: your best memories are typically made on the playground running around with friends and family. The way you set up and protect your playground does have a bearing on the memories of it. Accidents caused by poorly-mulched playground areas are no fun at all. Our team members are experienced and well-educated regarding the minimum cushioning necessary according to heights. We always make sure that your little monkeys are safe no matter how high they climb.

Daycare centers, church playgrounds, community recreation centers, and other public areas are guided by rules and regulations for providing the appropriate amount of cushioning material, whether it’s sand, wood chips, or mulch, in all areas that surround playground equipment. The padding softens falls and reduces the risk of head and limb injuries.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Agency sets the guidelines to help improve childrens’ safety. The key is to use loose-fill materials so that they have room to compact and absorb the shock of a fall. It is recommended that playgrounds have a minimum of 12 inches deep of loose materials, such as hardwood fiber mulch or chips, and fine sand. That soft base is also required to extend past the area where any play equipment is higher than six feet, to prevent harm if someone should fall.