Pest Control
At All Seasons, we offer a wide variety of pesticides used to manage, repel and, if necessary, kill a variety of pests, including insects, fungi, weeds, slugs, snails, rodents and nematodes. Listed below are a list of our most popular products.
Bayer Tree & Shrub Dual Action Formula
12 Month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed is a dual-action formula. Kills insects and prevents new infestations for up to 12 months. Plus provides slow-release fertilizer – can use on potted plants. Kills Adelgids, Borers, Emerald Ash Borers (adult) and other listed pests. Great for Japanese Beetle damage. Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Bayer Rose & Flower RTU (32 oz)
Kills common insects that plague roses & flowers including Aphids, Japanese Beetles, Leafminers, Whiteflies & other listed pests. Can be used in vegetable gardens too. 14 day protection -Active: Cyfluthrin (0.003%) Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Bayer 3-in-1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control RTS (32 oz)
3 in 1 Insect, Disease & Mite Control. Cures and prevents listed fungal diseases and insect pests. Controls mites. Cures Black Spot, Powdery Mildew & Rust. Kills common insects that attack trees, shrubs, roses & flowers including Aphids, Caterpillars, Japanese Beetles, Leafminers, Whiteflies & other listed pests 14 Day protection. Actives: Tebuconazole (0.65%) and Taufluvalinate (0.61%) Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Hi-Yield Fire Ant Control Granules (5 lb)
A broad spectrum residual insecticide. Treat once a month as directed when pests first appear in late spring (May – June) and continue until late summer (September – October). Controls Ants, Armyworms, Bermudagrass Mites, Billbugs (adult), Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Chiggers, Clover Mites, Cockroaches, and many others listed on label. Application Rates: Two tablespoons over each 8″ to 10″ diameter mound and up to 2 feet around to prevent escape of the queen. Immediately after application, water the granules into the soil gently with a light sprinkling can to avoid disturbing the colony. Use at least one gallon of water per mound. Always Read and Follow Label Directions.
Hi-Yield Insect Systemic Spray RTS (32 oz)
Controls Insect Pests and Prevents New Infestations. Use on flowers, trees, shrubs, lawns and listed fruits and nuts. Residual control of 2 to 4 weeks. No Mixing, No Measuring —Connect to Hose and Spray. Coverage: 5,333 sq ft Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Capt Jack Dead Bug RTS (32 oz)
Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew® contains Spinosad (spin-OH-sid), a product first isolated from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected on a Caribbean island from an abandoned rum distillery. Deadbug Brew® kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more! Use on fruits, vegetables, berries, citrus, grapes, nuts and ornamentals. Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Capt Jack Dead Bug Conc (16 oz)
Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew® contains Spinosad (spin-OH-sid), a product first isolated from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected on a Caribbean island from an abandoned rum distillery. Deadbug Brew® kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more! Use on fruits, vegetables, berries, citrus, grapes, nuts and ornamentals. Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Bayer Home Pest Control RTS (1 gal)
Fast-acting formula – kills Ants and Roaches plus 60 other pests in seconds. Provides up to 12 months of indoor insect protection. Effective spot or perimeter treatment. Use indoors or outdoors. Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Bayer Home Pest Roach Killer Gel (15g pen)
6-months protection.1 Easy-to-use. Better value. Kills all major types of Roaches Easy, no mess, precision applicator; Active: 2.15% Imidacloprid. Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Ramik Bars (4 lb)
Kills Rats and Mice 1st Generation Anticoagulant: Diphacinone. Death may occur within 4-5 days after a lethal dose is consumed Ramik® all-weather bar baits are manufactured utilizing a special proprietary extrusion process, where all the bait ingredients are fully blended, bonded and then shaped into weather-proof bait bars. A small amount of edible wax is added to allow uniform sized bars to be formed. Each 16 oz bar can be used whole, or easily broken into 4 oz pieces or 16 1 oz pieces. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Poison Control Phone # 1-800-798-5743. Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Wasp & Hornet Spray Aerosol (15 oz)
Triple action (.1% Tetramethrin + .25% Permethrin + .5% Piperonyl Butoxide formula) provides instant knock down, quick kill and residual action that takes out the entire nest and prevents re-nesting. Jet spray shoots 20 ft. Oil based. No CFC’s. Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Stinger Wasp, Hornet and Yellow Jacket Spray Aerosol (15 oz)
Jet foaming technology envelops biting and stinging insects in an entrapping foam that drops them instantly. Coats nests for complete kill. Residual action kills insects returning to nest. Water based formula. May be used indoors in places like attics, where nests are commonly built. Shoots 20 feet above ground. No CFC’s. Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Bonide Fruit Tree Spray Conc (16 oz)
A complete liquid fruit tree spray containing Captan 12%, Malathion 6%, Carbaryl .3% and a spreader sticker. Simple to use. No plugged nozzles. As little as 1 1/2 tablespoons per application. Excellent for the home orchardist.
Sevin Conc (16 and 32 oz)
Concentrate Bug Killer – Kills over 100 insect pests. Kills Japanese beetles. For use on vegetables, fruits and ornamentals Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Sluggo Plus Pellets (1 lb)
Sluggo Plus is effective with the following types of ants: foraging ants, sweet-feeding ants, pavement ants, moisture ants, little black ants, argentine ants, crazy ants, acrobat ants, bigheaded ants, cornfield ants, ghost ants, odorous house ants, thief ants, field ants and other common ants (does not included fire ants, harvester ants, Pharaoh’s ants and carpenter ants). Always Read and Follow Label Directions